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Lust, Love and Countertransference: The Ethics of Sexual Integrity in Therapy

With certain kinds of material, it is especially important for therapists to make TRIs emotionally immediate.

Love in Therapy: Using Transference and Countertransference Benevolently by Judith A. Schaeffer, Ph.D.

In other words, if recipients of pain inherent in a negative projection confirm what they have been sent, they are likely to create serious problems in the course of providing therapy, problems for themselves no less than their clients.

Countertransference in Therapy

Countertransference , however, would look like a therapist allowing himself to be offended perhaps bringing in annoyance towards his own child who had been misbehaving lately.

Lust, Love and Countertransference: The Ethics of Sexual Integrity in Therapy

The bad news is that, for those no longer infants or children, psychological maturation is a matter of integrating the capability for self-nurturance and self-love into the psyche rather than depending solely on being nurtured and loved by others Ferenczi, 1909; Freud, 1940.

Countertransference in Therapy

They are universal, transcultural means by which the unconscious mind of one person speaks to its conscious mind as well as to the unconscious mind of another person through the body.

Love in Therapy: Using Transference and Countertransference Benevolently by Judith A. Schaeffer, Ph.D.

They experience their therapist actually feeling depression and not only tolerating it but also managing it.

Lust, Love and Countertransference: The Ethics of Sexual Integrity in Therapy

Further, the ethical codes for MFCCs in general say the same as does the California code, according to Rutter 1989.

Countertransference in Therapy

And she kept asking me to respond and I said I feel silence is OK sometimes.

Lust, Love and Countertransference: The Ethics of Sexual Integrity in Therapy

However, in the second case the good news is that therapists gain important information regarding what their clients have contributed to their interpersonal problems.